125 Pkt. 6.000 qm Luftentfeuchter in kommerzieller Qualität

SKU: 2001EE
Normaler Preis $256.65
Normaler Preis Ausverkauf $320.81 Ausverkaufspreis $256.65

125 Pkt. Entfeuchtungskapazität, die größte abgedeckte Fläche beträgt bis zu 6.000 Quadratfuß. Sie können die Luftfeuchtigkeit je nach Bedarf zwischen 40 % und 80 % relativer Luftfeuchtigkeit einstellen. Geeignet für große Räume, Keller, Wohnungen, Badezimmer, Schlafzimmer.
Die Benutzeroberfläche des technischen LED-Bildschirms kann berührt werden, um die eingestellte Luftfeuchtigkeit anzupassen, und das Luftfeuchtigkeitsdatum in Echtzeit wird auf dem Bildschirm oben in der Mitte angezeigt. Eine dreifarbige Anzeige am äußeren Ring des Bildschirms zeigt den Bereich der Umgebungsfeuchtigkeit an.
Die 3-stufige Lüftereinstellung kann die Entfeuchtungsgeschwindigkeit beeinflussen (Niedrig, Mittel und Hoch). Nachdem Sie sichergestellt haben, dass die Entwässerung gut vorbereitet ist, können Sie mit der Einstellung 0–24 Stunden die automatische Ein- und Ausschaltung einstellen.
Wenn die Raumtemperatur unter 32 °C liegt, taut unser Entfeuchter automatisch ab und die Kontrollleuchte leuchtet. Keine Angst vor Eisbildung auf den Spulen, dies kann zu Fehlfunktionen der Geräte führen. Das Gerät arbeitet kontinuierlich und effizient, ohne dass es während des Abtauvorgangs zu regelmäßigen Unterbrechungen kommt. Das spart nicht nur Energie, sondern erhöht auch die Lebensdauer des Geräts.
Dieser gewerbliche Luftentfeuchter verfügt über einen leistungsstarken, energiesparenden Kompressor, der bis zu 125 Prozent Luft entfernt. Feuchtigkeit pro Tag (bei 95 °F, 90 % rF). Gleichzeitig hilft es Ihnen, Energie zu sparen und Ihre Stromrechnung zu senken.
Mit einer UV-Sterilisationslampe und einem waschbaren und abnehmbaren Luftfilter im Inneren ist die 2-in-1-Luftaufbereitung sowohl ein Luftentfeuchter als auch ein Luftreiniger und sorgt durch die Zersetzung von Gerüchen, Allergenen und anderen Schadstoffen für sauberere und frischere Luft.
Manuelle Entwässerung, kontinuierliche Entwässerung und Pumpenentleerung. Der 1,64-Gallonen-Wassertank und der Ablaufschlauch bieten flexible Abflussoptionen. Pumpe ist nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten.
Mit der branchenführenden Geräuschunterdrückung von 40 dB bleibt es während Ihrer geschäftigen Stunden, Fernsehsessions und Nickerchen ruhig.
360-Grad-Räder für einfache Bewegung, Sie können es überall hin bewegen, wo Sie wollen.

Customer Reviews

Based on 22 reviews
Efficient Energy Use and Low Bills!

What I love most about this dehumidifier is how energy-efficient it is. It’s got a powerful compressor that removes moisture but doesn’t run up my electricity bill. It’s designed to save energy while still getting the job done, which is fantastic. I’ve noticed a reduction in my energy costs since using it, and that’s a big win for me. If you're looking for something that works efficiently and saves you money, this is it!

Perfect for Drying Clothes Fast!

I bought this dehumidifier primarily for its clothes drying mode, and it has been amazing! The drying mode works quickly to dry my clothes flat without needing to use the dryer. It's especially great for delicates and items that take a while to dry on their own. I’ve noticed a huge difference in drying time, and I can get my clothes ready in no time, even on rainy days. Highly recommend this for anyone looking to save time and energy while drying clothes!

Quiet and efficient

This is a great model for basements or any place where humidity is constantly building up. It is very quiet when it starts up and starts working immediately. Within a few hours, I could see a noticeable drop in humidity, which was very noticeable. This dehumidifier does a great job of controlling humidity without being disruptive to daily life, which is perfect for environments that need to run for long periods of time.


I have been using this 120 pint model for a week in a spare bedroom on the garden level of my home. It removes moisture quickly and effectively, keeping my bedroom dry and sleeping better, especially on humid days. The wheels are a big plus, making it easy to move the dehumidifier anywhere, making it very convenient to use. Overall, this dehumidifier performs very well, and considering its size, its results are even more impressive. Highly recommended!

Great Dehumidifier

I bought this dehumidifier and put it in my basement. So far the humidity has been maintained very well and there is no musty or smelly smell. I use it 24/7 and the low energy compressor is very efficient and not only helps keep my basement dry, but also saves energy and reduces my utility bills. The performance and energy savings have exceeded my expectations and I am very happy with this purchase!

Customer Reviews

Based on 22 reviews
Efficient Energy Use and Low Bills!

What I love most about this dehumidifier is how energy-efficient it is. It’s got a powerful compressor that removes moisture but doesn’t run up my electricity bill. It’s designed to save energy while still getting the job done, which is fantastic. I’ve noticed a reduction in my energy costs since using it, and that’s a big win for me. If you're looking for something that works efficiently and saves you money, this is it!

Perfect for Drying Clothes Fast!

I bought this dehumidifier primarily for its clothes drying mode, and it has been amazing! The drying mode works quickly to dry my clothes flat without needing to use the dryer. It's especially great for delicates and items that take a while to dry on their own. I’ve noticed a huge difference in drying time, and I can get my clothes ready in no time, even on rainy days. Highly recommend this for anyone looking to save time and energy while drying clothes!

Quiet and efficient

This is a great model for basements or any place where humidity is constantly building up. It is very quiet when it starts up and starts working immediately. Within a few hours, I could see a noticeable drop in humidity, which was very noticeable. This dehumidifier does a great job of controlling humidity without being disruptive to daily life, which is perfect for environments that need to run for long periods of time.


I have been using this 120 pint model for a week in a spare bedroom on the garden level of my home. It removes moisture quickly and effectively, keeping my bedroom dry and sleeping better, especially on humid days. The wheels are a big plus, making it easy to move the dehumidifier anywhere, making it very convenient to use. Overall, this dehumidifier performs very well, and considering its size, its results are even more impressive. Highly recommended!

Great Dehumidifier

I bought this dehumidifier and put it in my basement. So far the humidity has been maintained very well and there is no musty or smelly smell. I use it 24/7 and the low energy compressor is very efficient and not only helps keep my basement dry, but also saves energy and reduces my utility bills. The performance and energy savings have exceeded my expectations and I am very happy with this purchase!